Myron’s Holistic Approach to Fighting Cancer (Part 1 of 3)

Since early 2009, I have been fighting cancer. First, neuroendocrine pancreatic cancer, then liver cancer, and most recently non-hodgkin’s lymphoma and skin cancer. Through all of that, I never thought I couldn’t beat the cancer I was fighting! From the beginning, I told myself that I will do everything possible to beat cancer. That meant I needed to have a strategy.

It’s been a long journey. I’ve spent countless hours and days doing research, experimenting with different protocols, and talking to a broad range of “experts”. This includes looking into traditional approaches, and some more “controversial”, “alternative” or “holistic” approaches.

Most people wouldn’t believe that I was able to beat all of those cancers. Even my doctors tell me that “You’re a miracle case”. I’m not sure if I’m a miracle. I personally attribute my success beating cancer to a combination of modern treatments PLUS, very importantly, lifestyle changes which I’ll go over below.

Not a month goes by where a friend, or a friend of a friend doesn’t contact me to tell me that they too have cancer and need advice. The reality is that more and more people are getting sick with different forms of cancer. I believe a lot of it is due to our environmental conditions like the water we drink, the food we eat, the clothes we wear, the technology around us and the stresses of modern life.

To help my friends, friends of friends, and people like you, I put together a brief summary of what I’ve learned while trying to beat cancer over the years. This is brief for now but I will go into each of these in more detail in future posts. As always, I also suggest that you do your own research too.

Here are the top points I focus on in my day to day life.

1) Spiritual

  • Beating cancer requires a positive attitude above all else. I already had a positive attitude but I developed a renewed spiritual perspective. I prayed regularly for guidance and healing. It doesn’t matter what your spiritual beliefs or religious affiliations are. The important things is to trust in something bigger than yourself. If you aren’t already connected to some higher spiritual power, this is foundational.

2) Diet

  • Beating cancer will require making changes to your diet. If you already eat a well balanced diet, you are a step ahead. But there are still small things you might not be aware of that will help your body becomes the ultimate cancer fighting machine. These changes can help you avoid getting cancer, fight it while you have it, or keep it away once you’ve gotten rid of it.
  • Avoid sugar. Cancer cells thrive on sugar!! Check labels on food packaging. Four grams of sugar is equal to one teaspoon of sugar.
  • Cancer thrives in an acidic environment. Help your body by neutralizing it (a PH below 7 is acidic). Lemons and vinegar are obviously acidic but, amazingly, when consumed) the body’s response is to produce alkaline by-products.
  • Help your liver by cleansing it with lemon water and/or apple cider vinegar. These are the only two foods that I know of that has this type of reaction on the body. This will also remove toxins from the liver,
  • Use organic lemons and apple cider vinegar. As a side note: An alkaline environment helps fight many viruses and bacteria. Also when you don’t have enough alkaline, your body takes calcium from your bones in an attempt to become more alkaline. This can lead to osteoporosis.
  • lemon water (1/2 lemon in 8 oz of water) or tablespoon of apple cider vinegar n 8 oz of water.
  • Use a stainless steel straw to avoid ruining teeth enamel. I start the day with this drink before breakfast.
  • Eat “clean foods”.
  • Eat ORGANIC and Non-GMO … fertilizers, growth hormone, etc are poison.
  • Avoid anything with additives
  • juicing (beets, carrots, celery, apple)
  • blueberries, raspberries for antioxidants
  • dark chocolate 70% or higher
  • nuts: walnuts, pecans
  • Low sugar kombucha
  • Saurkraut (and other fermented foods)

3) Avoid toxins

  • Beating cancer will require cleansing your body of the countless invisible toxics most of us have hiding in our bodies.
  • Most people are exposed to toxins in our food, body and household products, and environment.Eat organic foods as much as possible, use natural toothpaste, soaps, cleaning products, air fresheners, insect repellents, etc.
  • Cleanse your body of toxins. Soaking in a hot bath is like an artificial fever. Fevers are the bodies way of fighting bacterial and viral infections. Adding 1 cup of epsom salt to a hot bath is essential for detoxing because it has minerals that helps remove harmful toxins and balance the body. I also like to add 1 cup of baking soda which helps alkalize the water. Climb in to the tub and slowly make the water as hot as you can stand. The hotter the better!
  • The more you sweat the better you’ll detox. Drink plenty of water before, during and after to help the detox process. Immerse yourself as much as you can for 20 to 40 minutes. When done soaking, rinse off with cool water to remove any toxins on skin and to cool off. Apply a skin moisturizer and drink plenty of water to hydrate yourself.
  • People laugh at the idea of organic clothes but most of the clothes we wear are made in factories and dyed with various types of chemicals. Those chemicals have toxins in them that go directly onto and into our skin. If you don’t buy organic clothes, at least wash you clothes a few times before you wear them. This will get some of the initial chemical off the clothes.
  • Use glass when possible instead of plastic. This is true of beverages and food containers. And when using plastic, make sure it is BPA free plastic. BPA stands for bisphenol A. BPA is an industrial chemical that has been used to make certain plastics and resins since the 1960s. BPA is found in polycarbonate plastics and epoxy resins. Polycarbonate plastics are often used in containers that store food and beverages, such as water bottles. They are full of toxins.

4) Exercise

  • Beating cancer will require getting active, as hard as it might feel.
  • Keep a regular exercise routine. This can be as easy as a brisk walk. The reason for this is that cancer can’t live in a highly oxygenated environment and it will help the body’s immune system. I’m a big fan of gardening and yoga!!

5) Use Quality Supplements

Use the best quality supplements you can afford. Like anything else, you get what you pay for. Research your supplements and know what is in them. TO beat cancer, you need to have the best and most pure supplements you can find. They may be more expensive but your life can literally depend on this. Some of the supplements I use are listed below. I’ll get into all of these in future posts. For now, this is just a list of the most important ones based on my research (and experience).

  • Turmeric (curcumin)
  • Boswellia (Frankencense) > get curcumin/boswellia acid capsules from called curcuminMD
  • Flax seed oil (1/2 tsp)w/ 2 tbsp of cottage cheese)
  • Probiotics
  • Graviola
  • Multithera multiple vitamin
  • B12
  • D3
  • C
  • Zinc
  • Calcium (coral for lymphoma)

6) Drink Cancer Fighting Teas

Tea is an important part of Asian culture going back thousands of years. It’s not necessarily because Asian people simply like tea. There is also a healing aspect to tea. And just like your food, do your best to get a top quality organic product.

  • Pau d’arco is a tea made from the inner bark of several species of Tabebuiatrees that grow in Central and South America. Its name refers to both the supplement and the trees from which it’s derived. It has long been used to treat a range of ailments including the reduction of inflammation. There is a connection between inflammation and cancer. Avoid information in your body, and you avoid giving cancer an environment it likes.
  • Dandelion Root Tea & Dandelion Leaf Tea
  • Even warm water with freshly squeezed lemon is good for you.
  • Organic Green Tea is full of antioxidants.

7) Essential Oils

  • Oregano oil … natural antibiotic
  • Frankinsence … kills cancer cells (For my liver cancer I applied the following essential oils on my liver (right side of stomach near rib cage)
  • Fractionated Coconut (for absorption)
  • DoTerra essential oils (ddrprime, frankincense, onGuard, wild orange)
  • Do research on cannabis oil! Specifically Cannabis Oil with THC (80%). You can use it topically to kill cancer cells. Start with this site:

8) Have a Routine

My daily morning routine before Breakfast is the following.

  • Lemon water cleanse
  • Probiotic (Ultra flora Balance from Metagenics, good bacteria for digestion)
  • 2 – 3 tablespoons of organic cottage chees
  • Add 1/2 tablespoon of organic flax seed oil (research Dr Budwig anti-cancer protocol)

And with that, this concluded Part 1 of my cancer fighting protocol. Part 2 and 3 coming soon … Thanks for reading and stay positive. I’m living proof (10+ years) that cancer can be beat. You can do it too!